WBCSD Pact Network: Data Model Extensions

Living Document,

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1. Introduction

The following documents are related to the Pathfinder Network and its related data model, commonly called the Pathfinder Data Model.

The Pathfinder Data Model is a foundation for the Pathfinder Network. It defines what can be exchanged within the network (the data model), and what the exchanged data means (data semantics).

Since the Pathfinder Network is designed to be industry-agnostic, so is its underlying data model.

In order to increase the utility of the Pathfinder Network and its data model, the community decided to define data model extensions, such that

  1. they align with the goals of the vision of the Pathfinder Network

  2. there can be a common data model that can be used across industries without compromising on the utility of the data exchanged

  3. so that the PACT community can ultimately work towards a single "internet of emission data" that can be used by all industries and all stakeholders

To make this happen, there are 2 documents


This document provides guidance on how to extend the data model, and what to consider when doing so.

Technical Specification

This document specifies at a technical what data model extensions are, and how they fit into the Pathfinder Data Model